Why Taking a Pause...Can Get You Ahead

Today is Throwback Thursday. I like Throwback Thursdays because I often find my self looking back in my photo albums at some of the memories that were made. This is me in Jamaica, I was 6 months pregnant with my first born back in 2012. I  deci…


Today is Flashback Friday.

I like Flashback Friday's because I often find myself looking back in my photo albums at some of the memories that were made.

This is me in Jamaica, I was 4 months pregnant with my first born back in 2012.

At that time, I  decided to take a break from my business for care and nurture leave of my son.

I knew that this period would give me lots of opportunities to really reflect on where I truly wanted to take my life and my career.

As life would have it, it most certainly did. I learned so much more about business and leadership from running a household and being a Mom to two boys.

The growth tip for today focuses on reflection. This is not reflection like the 'Mirror' I talked about in my previous post. This is reflecting on our actions to see what I lessons we are learning along the way.

I  often joke that I am a lesson sponge, I really am. I soak up those lessons like my life depends on it, because really...it does!

In his best selling book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John C. Maxwell says 'learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you'.

I find this to be a very true statement.  Majority of us are running a million miles a minute. In the age of information overload, competing priorities and fast paced everything, it can be easy to let our moments slip by without a thought.

Learning to reflect on our actions, daily, weekly, monthly allows us to assess how well things are going...or not.

John illustrates this by sharing that there is power in taking time to pause. One nugget that he shares in this Law is that 'Reflection turns experience into insight."

Do you believe that experience is the best teacher? Well, the truth is as John shares, that isn't quite the case. Evaluated experience is in fact the best teacher.

If we are just going through experiences and not taking the time to understand them, those experiences cannot teach us much.

To grow, we must be open to reflection. Taking time to pause and evaluate our experiences. Some do this in the form of a journal, others sit and record their experiences in other forms. It really takes discipline and a commitment to expand our life. 

Peter Drucker said  'follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.'

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth is one of John Maxwell's focused on personal development. To grow as a stellar professional it is important not to forget to develop ourselves personally.

In this incredible book, John shares everything that he has learned over the years about developing yourself so that you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

Stay tuned to the blog as I share with you another one of John Maxwell's Growth laws, The Law of Consistency.

Your friend in success,


Are you ready to try something new? To grow beyond your wildest imagination? Take an intentional step in the direction of your personal growth. Join me and select group of like minded professionals as we explore John Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.

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